Yabancı bir forumda buldum . /yt paint yada /yt fenerbahçe yazınca o kelimedeki ilk videonun linkini yolluyor .
; youtube video search
; returns the first search result for your search terms
; usage for you
; trigger: /yt
; syntax: /yt <search terms>
; example: /yt charleston daft punk
; usage for other people
; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube
; syntax: @youtube <search terms>
; example: !tube charleston daft punk
; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_sort=video_view_count&search_query= $+ %searchstring
; if you want the regular search, use this line below
; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
alias yt {
%channel = $chan
if (%channel) { %saystyle = echo -t %channel }
else { %saystyle = echo -at }
%searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+)
sockclose ytsearch
sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube|tube) */Si:#: {
%channel = $chan
%saystyle = /msg %channel
%searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+)
if ($2 == $null) { %saystyle Search could not be completed | halt }
sockclose ytsearch
sockopen ytsearch www.youtube.com 80
on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{
sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1
sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: youtube.com
sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf
on *:sockread:ytsearch:{
sockread -n %temp
if (%founddesc_be) { unset %founddesc_be | %desc_be = $replace($remove(%temp, ),<br/>,$chr(32)) }
if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) %founddesc_be = k
if (/watch?v= isin %temp) { %resulturl = $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",") }
if (%foundtitle) { inc %titlecounter }
if (%titlecounter = 1) { %searchtitle = $replace($remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>, ),",$chr(34)) }
if (<div class="vtitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 }
if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_19x20 isin %temp) { %done = k }
if (%done) {
sockclose ytsearch
unset %done
%saystyle Link: http://www.youtube.com $+ %resulturl
%saystyle Title: %searchtitle
%saystyle Description: %desc_be
unset %searchstring
unset %channel
unset %saystyle
unset %searchres
unset %searchtitle
unset %resulturl
unset %desc_be
unset %titlecounter
unset %temp
unset %foundtitle
if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) {
sockclose ytsearch
%saystyle No videos found for %searchstring
unset %searchstring
unset %channel
unset %saystyle
unset %searchres
unset %searchtitle
unset %resulturl
unset %desc_be
unset %titlecounter
unset %temp
unset %foundtitle
if (*start search results* iswm %temp) { %searchres = 0 }
if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres }
Youtube linkini gösteren addon - Yorumlar
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