IRC IP Address Locator ( IP adresi Tespit ) Gezerken Gördüğüm bi kod umarim Hoşunuza Gider PHP- Kodu: ;iplocator by Ford_Lawnmower dialog IP_Locator { title "Yer Bulucu" size -1 -1 96 144 option dbu text "Ülke:", 1, 0 8 33 8, right text "Bölge:", 2, 0 16 33 8, right text "Şehir:", 3, 0 24 33 8, right text "Kesinlik:", 4, 0 32 33 8, right text "Enlem:", 5, 0 40 33 8, right text "Boylam:", 6, 0 48 33 8, right text "Zaman Dilimi:", 7, 0 56 33 8, right text "Nüfus:", 8, 0 64 33 8, right text "Proxy?:", 9, 0 72 33 8, right text "Döviz:", 10, 0 80 33 8, right text "", 11, 40 8 57 8 text "", 12, 40 16 57 8 text "", 13, 40 24 57 8 text "", 14, 40 32 57 8 text "", 15, 40 40 57 8 text "", 16, 40 48 57 8 text "", 17, 40 56 57 8 text "", 18, 40 64 57 8 text "", 19, 40 72 57 8 text "", 20, 40 80 57 8 text "IP Adres:", 21, 0 120 33 8, right edit "", 22, 40 120 54 10 button "Ara", 23, 65 131 29 12 text "", 24, 0 0 97 8, center icon 25, 40 92 47 23 text "Flag:", 26, 0 98 33 8, right check "Kontrol Et", 27, 2 131 58 10 } On *:dialog:Ip_Locator:Sclick:23: { if ($gettok($did(ip_locator,22).text,0,46) != 4) { did -a Ip_Locator 24 IP adresi Girmelisiniz .timer 1 3 did -a Ip_Locator 24 return } else { did -a Ip_Locator 24 IpLocator $did(ip_locator,22).text if ($did(Ip_Locator,27).state == 1) { dronebl $did(ip_locator,22).text } } } On *:dialog:Ip_Locator:init:*: { IpLocator $ip $iif($ip,did -a Ip_locator 22 $ip) } alias IpLocator.timeout { if (%IpLocator.chan == dialog) && ($dialog(IP_Locator)) { did -a Ip_locator 24 Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı .timer 1 3 did -a Ip_Locator 24 } else { echo -a Bağlantı zaman aşımına uğradı } IpLocator.clear } alias IpLocator.clear { unset %IpLocator* sockclose IpLocator .timer-IpLocator off halt } alias IpLocator { set %IpLocator.nick $me set %IpLocator.chan dialog sockclose IpLocator set %IpLocatorurl $+(/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&IpAddress=,$1) set %IpLocatorsite sockopen IpLocator %IpLocatorsite 80 .timer-IpLocator 1 10 IpLocator.timeout } on *:sockopen:IpLocator: { if (!$sockerr) { sockwrite -n $sockname GET %IpLocatorurl HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %IpLocatorsite $+ $CRLF $+ $CRLF } else { echo -st Unknown Socket error $script | return } } on *:sockread:IpLocator: { if ($sockerr > 0) { echo -a IpLocator >sock error< | IpLocator.clear } else { var %IpLocatorvar | sockread %IpLocatorvar if (<td align="right">Country</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.Country on } if (<td align="right">Region</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.Region on } if (<td align="right">City</td> isin %IpLocatorVar) { set on } if (<td align="right">Certainty</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.certainty on } if (<td align="right">Latitude</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.latitude on } if (<td align="right">Longitude</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.longitude on } if (<td align="right">TimeZone</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.timezone on } if (<td align="right">Population</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.population on } if (<td align="right">Is proxy</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.proxy on } if (<td align="right">Currency</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %IpLocator.currency on } if (<td align="right">Flag</td> isin %IpLocatorvar) { set %Iplocator.flag on } if (<input name="ro-no_bots_pls isin %IpLocatorvar) { if (%IpLocator.Country == on) { set $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.region == on) { set %IpLocator.region $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.City == on) { set $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.certainty == on) { set %IpLocator.certainty $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.latitude == on) { set %IpLocator.latitude $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.longitude == on) { set %IpLocator.longitude $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } if (%IpLocator.timezone == on) { set %IpLocator.timezone $between(%IpLocatorvar,value=",",1) } if (%IpLocator.population == on) { set %IpLocator.population $between(%IpLocatorvar,value=",",1) } if (%IpLocator.proxy == on) { set %IpLocator.proxy $between(%IpLocatorvar,value=",",1) } if (%IpLocator.currency == on) { set %IpLocator.currency $between(%IpLocatorvar,value="," size,1) } } if (<a href="FreeServices.htm"> isin %IpLocatorvar) && (%IpLocator.flag == on) { var %flaglink $between(%IpLocatorvar,<a href="FreeServices.htm"><img border="0" src="," width="107",1) getflag %flaglink $nopath(%flaglink) if (%IpLocator.chan == dialog) && ($dialog(IP_Locator)) { did -a IP_Locator 11 $iif(,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 12 $iif(%IpLocator.region,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 13 $iif(,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 14 $iif(%IpLocator.certainty,$v1 $+ %,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 15 $iif(%IpLocator.latitude,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 16 $iif(%IpLocator.longitude,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 17 $iif(%IpLocator.timezone,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 18 $iif(%IpLocator.population,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 19 $iif(%IpLocator.proxy,$v1,N/A) did -a IP_Locator 20 $iif(%IpLocator.currency,$v1,N/A) .timer 1 4 did -g IP_Locator 25 $qt($+($mircdir,flags\,$nopath(%flaglink))) } IpLocator.clear } } } alias -l IP_Locator { if ($dialog(IP_Locator)) { dialog -v IP_Locator IP_Locator } else { dialog -m IP_Locator IP_Locator } } menu status,channel { IP Locator:IP_Locator } Alias -l GetFlag { if ($isfile($+(flags\,$2))) { return } set %Getflag.Site $gettok($remove($1,http://),1,47) set %Getflag.URL $remove($1,$gettok($1,1,47),$gettok($1,2,47),//) set %Getflag.PicName $2 if (!$isdir($+($mircdir,flags))) { mkdir flags } sockclose Getflag sockopen Getflag 80 } On *:sockopen:Getflag:{ sockwrite -nt $sockname GET %Getflag.url HTTP/1.0 sockwrite $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf } On *:sockread:Getflag:{ if (!$sock($sockname).mark) { var %Getflag.var | sockread %Getflag.var if (%Getflag.var == $null) { sockmark $sockname 1 } } else { sockread &flag bwrite $qt($+($mircdir,flags\,%Getflag.picname)) -1 -1 &flag } } On *:sockclose:Getflag:{ unset %Getflag.* } ;alias by Gummo alias -l between { noop $regex($1,/\Q $+ $2 $+ \E(.*?)\Q $+ $3 $+ \E/gi) return $regml($4) } alias -l httpstrip { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x, ) return %x } alias -l dronebl { .enable #dronecheck var %dronebl $gettok($1,4,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,3,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,2,46) $+ . $+ $gettok($1,1,46) $+ set %dns.ip $1 .dns %dronebl } menu nicklist { IP Locator for $$1:{ IP_Locator .enable #nicklistcheck userip $$1 .timer 1 2 .disable #nicklistcheck } } #nicklistcheck off Raw 340:*: { haltdef var %tempip $gettok($1-,2,64) echo -a %tempip if ($gettok(%tempip,4,46) isnum) { iplocator %tempip did -r Ip_locator 22 did -a Ip_locator 22 %tempip } } #nicklistcheck end #dronecheck off On 1:DNS: { if ($dialog(IP_Locator)) { if ($dns(0)) { did -a Ip_Locator 24 $qt(%dns.ip) Is a Drone! | .timer 1 2 did -a IP_Locator 19 True } else { did -a Ip_Locator 24 $qt(%dns.ip) is Not a Drone | .timer 1 2 did -a IP_Locator 19 False } } unset %dns.ip .disable #dronecheck halt } #dronecheck End Yapimci... 27 Aralık 2009 0
IRC Bot Menü Yenilendi Belirlenen kanalara 50 üzerinde oto services bot sokar servicesleri kanalda konusturma nick değiştirme özelde konusturma komut... 27 Aralık 2009 0
IRC Seslenme on 1:text:*:?: if ($me isin $1- ) { echo 4 -a 4 $nick 1 Özelde sana sesleniyor! 2[14 $1- 2] } on 1:text:*:#: if ($me isin $1-... 27 Aralık 2009 0
IRC HelperLog System on @*:join:#help: { set %helpuyari $time *** $nick #Help Kanalına Giriş Yaptı | /helpuyari } on @*:part:#help: { set %helpuyari... 27 Aralık 2009 0
IRC Oper/admin ekleme dialog. Yazan: L4roXyL Tarih: 1 Aralık 2007 Cumartesi Opers.conf’a oper/admin conf oluşturamıyanlar için düşündüğüm ve tasarladığım... 27 Aralık 2009 0
IRC Youtube linkini gösteren addon Yabancı bir forumda buldum . /yt paint yada /yt fenerbahçe yazınca o kelimedeki ilk videonun linkini yolluyor . PHP- Kodu: ; youtube video search ; returns the first search result for your search terms ; usage for you ; ; trigger: /yt ; syntax: /yt <search terms> ; example: /yt charleston daft punk ; usage for other people ; ; triggers: !youtube @youtube !tube @tube ; syntax: @youtube <search terms> ; example: !tube charleston daft punk ; if you want to sort search by VIEW COUNT, use this line below ; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_sort=video_view_count&search_query= $+ %searchstring ; ; if you want the regular search, use this line below ; sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1 ; ; the place im referring to is: under the heading on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{ alias yt { %channel = $chan if (%channel) { %saystyle = echo -t %channel } else { %saystyle = echo -at } %searchstring = $replace($1-,$chr(32),+) sockclose ytsearch sockopen ytsearch 80 } on $*:TEXT:/^[!@](yt|youtube|tube) */Si:#: { %channel = $chan %saystyle = /msg %channel %searchstring = $replace($2-,$chr(32),+) if ($2 == $null) { %saystyle Search could not be completed | halt } sockclose ytsearch sockopen ytsearch 80 } on *:sockopen:ytsearch:{ sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /results?search_query= $+ %searchstring HTTP//1.1 sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf $crlf } on *:sockread:ytsearch:{ sockread -n %temp if (%founddesc_be) { unset %founddesc_be | %desc_be = $replace($remove(%temp, ),<br/>,$chr(32)) } if (<span id="BeginvidDesc isin %temp) %founddesc_be = k if (/watch?v= isin %temp) { %resulturl = $remove($gettok(%temp,2,32),href=",") } if (%foundtitle) { inc %titlecounter } if (%titlecounter = 1) { %searchtitle = $replace($remove($regsubex(%temp,/<a [^>]+>(.+?)</a>/,\1),<br/>, ),",$chr(34)) } if (<div class="vtitle"> isin %temp) { %foundtitle = k | %titlecounter = 0 } if (<img class="rating" src="/img/icn_star_full_19x20 isin %temp) { %done = k } if (%done) { sockclose ytsearch unset %done %saystyle Link: $+ %resulturl %saystyle Title: %searchtitle %saystyle Description: %desc_be unset %searchstring unset %channel unset %saystyle unset %searchres unset %searchtitle unset %resulturl unset %desc_be unset %titlecounter unset %temp unset %foundtitle halt } if (*No Videos found* iswm %temp) { sockclose ytsearch %saystyle No videos found for %searchstring unset %searchstring unset %channel unset %saystyle unset %searchres unset %searchtitle unset %resulturl unset %desc_be unset %titlecounter unset %temp unset %foundtitle halt } if (*start search results* iswm %temp) { %searchres = 0 } if (*<a href="/watch?v=* iswm %temp) { inc %searchres } } 27 Aralık 2009 0
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