on *:Load:{ set %awaymsg set %%awaytxt set %%atimermsg 10 set %nicka [aWaY] set %nickn $me set %nickb [bUsY] mkdir away write $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log //echo -a Away System Loaded //echo -a Please configure it from your MenuBar. //echo -a If you have any suggestions email me at //echo -a ColdKeyboard@Gmail.com //echo -a If you need help type /run readme.txt } on *:INPUT:*: { if (($1 == /away) && ($2- != $null)) { set %atime $asctime(hh:nn) set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you’r away ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is away. Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: $2- } } if (($1 == /away) && ($2- == $null)) { set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you’r back ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is back. I was away since %atime Reason $awaymsg } set %atime } } on *:Text:*:?: { if ($away == $true) { notice $nick $me is away. Your messages will be logged. write $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log < $+ $asctime(hh:nn) $+ > < $+ $nick $+ > $1- halt } } dialog ckaway { title “AwaySystem” size -1 -1 357 209 box “Private log”, 7, 191 1 159 79 box “Set your status”, 6, 5 1 160 79 button “Set Away”, 1, 13 16 66 24 button “Set Back”, 2, 93 33 64 24 button “Set Busy”, 3, 13 50 66 24 button “Ok”, 5, 244 180 65 25, ok button “Read Log”, 8, 199 16 65 25 button “Delete Log”, 9, 276 16 65 25 box “Configure Away System”, 10, 5 87 159 85 button “Normal Nick”, 4, 13 107 65 25 button “Away Nick”, 11, 93 107 65 25 button “Busy Nick”, 12, 13 141 65 25 text “Coded by: ColdKeyboard”, 15, 211 132 121 17 link “www.sasakr.cjb.net”, 16, 223 147 101 17 } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:1: { set %awaytxt $?:”Reason?:” if (%awaytxt == $null) { set %awaytxt NotSpecified } set %atime $asctime(hh:nn) set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you are away ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is away. Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt } if (%atimermsg == $null) { set %atimermsg $$?:”Say that you’r away every ?? (min):” } timeraway 0 $calc(%atimermsg * 60.0000.) /ame is away Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt away %awaytxt if (%nicka isin $me) { nick %nickn $+ %nicka | halt } if (%nickb isin $me) { nick %nickn $+ %nicka | halt } nick $me $+ %nicka halt } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:2: { set %awaytxt set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you are back ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is back. I was away since %atime Reason %awaytxt } timeraway off away set %atime if (%nickb isin $me) { nick %nickn | halt } if (%nicka isin $me) { nick %nickn | halt } halt } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:3: { set %awaytxt $?:”Reason?:” if (%awaytxt == $null) { set %awaytxt NotSpecified } set %atime $asctime(hh:nn) set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you are busy ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { ame busy since %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt } timeraway 0 $calc(%atimermsg * 60.0000.) /ame is busy since %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt away %awaytxt if (%nickb isin $me) { nick %nickn $+ %nickb | halt } if (%nicka isin $me) { nick %nickn $+ %nickb | halt } halt } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:8: { window -ak0 @PrivateLog aline @PrivateLog 15,1**** Privet Log Start **** loadbuf @PrivateLog $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log aline @PrivateLog 15,1**** Private Log End **** } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:9: { write -c $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log write $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log write $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log LogCleared at : $time – $date write $shortfn(away) $+ \privatelog.log echo -a Log Cleared at : $time – $date } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:11: { set %nicka $$?:”Please input the away nick extension e.g. [Away]” echo -a Away nick extension changed to %nicka echo -a Your away nick will look like $me $+ %nicka } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:12: { set %nickb $$?:”Please input the busy nick extension e.g. [Busy]” echo -a Away nick extension changed to %nickb echo -a Your away nick will look like $me $+ %nickb } on 1:dialog:ckaway:sclick:4: { set %nickn $$?:”Please input your normal nick” echo -a Away nick extension changed to %nickn echo -a Your away nick will look like %nickn } menu menubar { AwaySys .SetAway:{ set %awaytxt $?:”Reason?:” if (%awaytxt == $null) { set %awaytxt NotSpecified } set %atime $asctime(hh:nn) set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you’r away ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is away. Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt } if (%atimermsg == $null) { set %atimermsg $$?:”Say that you’r away every ?? (min):” } timeraway 0 $calc(%atimermsg * 60.0000.) /ame is away Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt away %awaytxt } .SetBack:{ set %awaytxt set %awaymsg $?!:”Say public that you’r back ?” if (%awaymsg == $false) { } if (%awaymsg == $true) { /ame is back. I was away since %atime Reason %awaytxt } timeraway off away set %atime } .SetTimeMsg:{ set %atimermsg $$?:”Every ? (min) ?:” if ($away == true) { timeraway 0 $calc(%atimermsg * 60.0000.) /ame is away Left chat at %atime $+ . Reason: %awaytxt halt } } } menu Channel,status, { AwaySystem:/dialog -rm ckaway ckaway }
Away Addonu - Yorumlar
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